God is going to place those with an “Issachar” Anointing in the lives of the rich and influential; (I chronicles 12:32 says this tribe knew the times and the seasons and what Israel should do) they will provide unprecedented spiritual revelation in the areas of investments, deep spiritual counsel and personal growth enabling these high net-worth individuals to fulfill their destiny in the nations.
This will also be done on national levels but there will be many hundreds of spiritual prophetic business coaches that God is going to raise up more on the personal level. What we have been doing for the last eight years with WISE Ministries is going to be multiplied many-fold. These prophetic Issachar’s, Josephs and Daniels will cause great increase in the lives of those they assist. But, the wealth is for the Kingdom and God’s people. These coaches working alongside prophetic intercessors will enable a new level of the transfer of wealth (Proverbs 13:22). Make sure to attend our Tipping Point National Gatherings in April of each year. The theme for 2013 is “God’s Grand Scheme”.
Economic Troubles:
Those with the Issachar Anointing are going to have to rebuild the nation when its devastating fall happens. This fall is a major currency devaluation and eventual bankruptcy of the nation’s finances. When the welfare checks stop and the social services come to a halt it will be up to us to pick up the pieces both economically and politically. Many will go back to rural living; many in the cities will perish but one thing is for sure the Church will arise and be the church. The glorious church! God’s ETF’s – End-Time-Financiers will arise. Do you want to own a bank? You may need to. Do you want to become a loan officer? You may have the chance to lend money to many.
2013: The Issachar Prophets Arise
Linwood - Feb 24, 2013 - No Comments