Spirit-Led Publishing Announces the Next Phase in The Order of Melchizedek Is Becoming Activated in 2016 Through Their New Book Becoming Melchizedek by Charles Robinson
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Read about the exceeding excellence of God as described in the new book Becoming Melchizedek – Foundations Book I in the series The Canticles of the Order of Melchizedek. This book describes the highest form of son-ship on earth – The Order of Melchizedek and the release of unprecedented power and authority through God’s Kings and Priests.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJnLFAGe0w4
Becoming Melchizedek book number 1, Foundations provides a Biblical and revelatory framework for readers seeking to understand the priest Melchizedek in the Bible and the Melchizedek Order in heaven and now emerging on earth. And from what the Bible says coupled with Charles’ prophetic revelations and encounters, comes one of the full pictures to date on Melchizedek and the Melchizedek Priesthood.
Foundations is the first in a series of books on Melchizedek and the Order under his name. Book 2, Unto Fullness is already now in the works. These books are so important as they chart how the emergence and development of Melchizedek saints will serve to take the church to new levels—to levels even beyond those of the current Apostolic-Prophetic church.
Coming are heights of purity and consecration in a believer’s walk with Christ. Many will know ramp-up of spiritual power; multiplication of anointings and giftings such that any one Priest may in time walk in the apostolic, prophetic, priestly and kingly functions; and greater success in intercession and warfare by way of training from Above and working with angels. The “greater works” of John 14:12-13 are ahead. And Melchizedek is key.
Foundations covers several main points. First, God originally intended to have a nation of priests or today a kingdom. (See Exodus 19:1-25.) Charles’ call to write this book is to be a part of birthing the Melchizedek Priesthood on earth to fulfill truly this. As part of this call, Charles’ book educates readers about the identity and destiny of those who say yes to becoming Melchizedek. As background for readers, Charles’ looks at references to Melchizedek from the Old Testament, Hebrews, and the Dead Sea Scrolls plus he gleans from a few key books in print on Melchizedek to teach all about the spiritual functions and powers available to those choosing the Order. Then, Charles looks prophetically at the showdowns coming against God’s anointed Order and His church—the battle lines being drawn on earth.
Second, Charles covers in detail the seven-year initial training cycle necessary, according to God, to become a full-fledged Melchizedek. As a Melchizedek himself, Charles will soon have Melchizedek University online under WISE International to school others. Melchizedek’s are called and trained by God. Too, the sevenfold Holy Spirit serves as the tutor for such Priests. The full term is 7 years. Of note also is the fraternal nature of and support among The Order. Once trained and raised up, Melchizedek Priests will be instrumental in readying the church for the days ahead. Christ Himself is the pattern Melchizedek, and believers will walk like Yeshua.
Third, in Foundations, Charles introduces the kingdom economy and God’s assignment to penetrate the seven mountains of culture and society: business, the arts and media, family, the sphere of religions, education, government and healthcare. Melchizedek levels of authority and empowerment I believe are crucial for Revelation 11:15 ASV to happen, “The kingdom of the world is become [the kingdom] of out Lord, and of his Christ: and he shall reign for ever and ever.”
Finally, Charles includes for Christians much in the way of prophetic words very relevant to the days ahead. Charles is a prophet recognized for accuracy. Becoming Melchizedek Book I Foundations is necessary reading for all believers who are after more in God and who desire to serve Him fully as His Priests starting today. An Application to qualify and join Melchizedek International and have a formal entrance into the Order with accountability is in the appendix. Destiny and fulfillment await.
To order the book for a discount go to http://www.Melchizedek.International or
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